Improv On Our Own
a.k.a. "Homemade Improv"
The improv jam is currently on indefinite hold
Weekly Improv Jams in San Francisco. We have four basic formats:- Micetro (most common format these days)
(learn more about how we do micetro) - Teacher nights
- Long-form experiments
- Short improv games (unmoderated)
(We are moving away from this format)
We are a loose group of people, some with lots of improv experience, some with a little bit of experience, and some who are totally new. Improv On Our Own is intended to be a fully inclusive event. The group is (currently) semi-moderated and hosted by Dave MadisonNew?
If you're new to improv or to our group, or just thinking about
coming to our group, please take a moment to read